C’est la conclusion d’une étude suédoise de l’université de Lund.

Pas besoin pour ça d’en boire des litres, trois tasses par jour suffisent !

Helena Jernström, la chercheuse responsable de l’étude, est formelle : “Boire du café peut avoir un effet majeur sur la taille de la poitrine.

Elle précise cependant que l’inconvénient ne concerne que les femmes porteuses d’un gène particulier, ce qui est le cas de la moitié de ses compatriotes.

La bonne nouvelle, pour les femmes concernées, c’est que ce gène protège aussi du cancer du sein.
Les résultats de l’étude ont d’ailleurs été publiés au British Journal of Cancer.

Et le texte original :

Coffee can make women’s breasts smaller : Swedish study

Published : 16 Oct 08 18:45 CET
Online : http://www.thelocal.se/15016/20081016/

Women who drink a lot of coffee may see their breasts become more petite, according to the results of a new Swedish study.

Around half of all women possess a gene shown to link breast size to coffee intake.

« Drinking coffee can have a major effect on breast size, » said Helena Jernström, a lecturer in experimental oncology at Lund University.

But while a regular brew appears to have a somewhat deflationary aspect, there is also one very positive effect in that coffee reduces the risk of breast cancer.

Woman with an average weight but big breasts and a high number of mammary glands run an above average risk of developing breast cancer.

Previous studies have shown that women can reduce this risk by drinking at least three cups of coffee a day.

Jernström wanted to know if there was a further correlation : If drinking coffee and breast size were both connected to the risk of developing breast cancer, could there also be a link between coffee and cup size ?

Studies carried out on almost 270 women showed that there was indeed a clear connection between coffee and smaller breasts. The results of Jernström’s findings have been published in the British Journal of Cancer.

TT/The Local (news@thelocal.se/08 656 6518)